Chara vulgaris  L., 1753
Taxonomical Classification:  Plantae (Algae) / Charophyta / Charophyceae / Charales / Characeae
    Maltese name not known
Further Information:
Chara vulgaris superficially looks like some species of Potamogetonaceae, namely the endemic Zannichellia melitensis, but it is a frequent species of multicellular green algal (Charatales) which is present in rockpools, stagnant open wells and water catchment areas or isolated ponds in valleys.

The plant body is a gametophyte. It consists of a main axis (differentiated into nodes and internodes), dimorphic branches (long brach of unlimited growth and short branches of limited growth), rhizoids (multicellular with oblique septa) and stipulodes (needle shaped structures at the base of secondary laterals. Chara plants are rough to the touch because of deposited calcium salts on the cell wall.

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